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[Tour] Changgyeonggung Palace in South Korea

Changgyeonggung Palace, photo by Ho

1. Information

Changgyeonggung Palace is one of the five major Royal Palaces of the Joseon Dynasty 

in Seoul, South Korea.
Korean Historic Site No.123 

Open time 

 9:00 ~ 21:00 (last admission 20:00)
Closed every monday

Admission Fee

Korean Citizens : Adult(24-64) - Individual 1,000 won / Group(10+) 800 won 
* Korean Citizens are free 24↓

International Visitors : Adult(19-64) - Individual 1,000 won / Group(10+) 800 won 

Youth(7-18) - Individual 500 won / Group(10+) 400 won 

* Free : Children(6↓) / Seniors(65↑) / Visitors wearing a Hanbok(Korean traditional clothes) 

/ Culture day(the last Wednesday of every month)

* With the purchase of a Royal Palace Pass, admission for 4 palaces and Jongmyo Shrine is vaild within three months.

P.S. 1,000 won = $0.86 / 800 won = $0.69 / 500 won = $0.43 / 400 won = $0.34 (05/02/2019)

Changgyeonggung Palace Map, photo by cultural heritage administration of South Korea

2. A Simple History

Changgyeonggung Palace was built in 1413 under the name of Suganggung Palace.

(Suganggung means living long life and wishing for peace.)

The palace was renamed Changgyeonggung Palace when it was expanded in 1484.

(Changgyeonggung Palace means be fulled of life and glory.)

It was completely burned during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592.

Then in 1615, it was rebuilt by the king of Joseon. 

After that, it was burned and repaired repeatedly.

It later became a park with a zoo and a botanical garden during Japanese colonial rule(1909). 

The palace grounds remained this way until 1983 when restoration of its old grace was completed.

At that time, the restored palace continued until now.

3. My Tour

I visited Changgyeonggung Palace on April 30.

The Palace entrance(Map [1]), photo by Ho

There's an event to lend you a Cheongsachorong. It likes lantern.

Cheongsachorong, photo by Ho 

Go straight at the entrance and you'll find Myungjeongjeon.

Myeongjeongjeon(Map[4]), photo by Ho

There is a throne in Myeongjeongjeon.

Myeongjeongjeon's throne(Map[4]), photo by Ho

There is a pavilion and a stone pagoda behind Myeongjeongjeon.

Haminjeong Pavilion & a five-story stone pagoda(Map[8]), photo by Ho

Changgyeonggung Palace was beautiful in harmony with nature.

Map[13]'s View, photo by Ho

Many wonderful trees,

Trees & Road, photo by Ho

 beautiful flowers

and splendid pond.

Chundangji Pond(Map[15])

You should go here too! 



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[Daddy's Farm] Rabbit Farm

Dad is raising rabbits as a hobby. In the past, there were 40, but now there are about 20. When I approach the rabbit cage, the rabbit comes to eat. Rabbits, photo by Ho There are three baby rabbits, about two months old. Two of them are active, but the other one is shy. Three baby rabbits, photo by Ho The active brown baby rabbit eats very well. The white pattern under the neck is pretty. Brown baby rabbit, photo by Ho The active white baby rabbit has a whiter ear than the other baby rabbit. And there are patterns around the eyes like pandas. The active white baby rabbit, photo by Ho The shy white baby rabbit is always next to the mother rabbit. The little rabbit in the picture behind the baby rabbit is the shy rabbit. Rabbits, photo by Ho Goodbye for now.